Kentucky Motorcycle Accidents Can Be Deadly

Have you been injured? Call or text Hessig & Pohl at 502-777-1111

The vast majority of motorcycle accidents are not known to have a good outcome, whether they involve very serious injuries or result in a death. Riding a vehicle with no external protection, means just about every collision can turn out to be dangerous.

Bikers do not sustain just one or two injuries in an accident. They end up with multiple injuries because the lack the same protections as vehicles. Many of the injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash can lead to disabilities and possibly assisted or long-term care.

Even the most law abiding motorcyclists can find themselves involved in an accident. Other drivers frequently cause motorcycle accidents. Often, distracted driving, reckless driving or not checking blind spots is the reason for many motorcycle accidents.

Bikers are 30 times more likely to die in a collision with another vehicle. That is a grim statistic provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

In many instances, the cause of a motorcycle accident may be attributed to a passenger vehicle that just did not see the biker. However, bikers can be involved in an accident for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Speeding: Excessive speed can lead to an accident. A biker might not have enough time to react to prevent a collision. High speeds also mean a more serious and likely fatal impact.
  • DUI: Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Rear-end collisions: If a biker stops abruptly or a car was following too close for safety, the biker can sustain serious injuries or be killed.
  • Inexperienced bikers: Bikers with less experience leads to mistakes and mistakes lead to accidents.
  • Unsafe lane changes: Not checking blind spots or not signaling when changing lanes results in accidents.
  • Splitting lanes: Riding between vehicles, while not illegal, is dangerous.
  • Car doors thrown open into oncoming traffic: Opening car doors suddenly leaves little reaction time to bikers.
  • Left turn accidents: Drivers can make left turns without checking for a motorcycle or failing to see them.
  • Bike defects: Defective motorcycle parts or aftermarket parts that did not meet industry safety specifications can lead to deadly motorcycle accidents.
  • Road conditions: Poorly maintained roads, poorly signed intersections and weather can lead to a deadly motorcycle accident.

No two-motorcycle accidents are the same and the attorneys at Hessig & Pohl understand that and can help you navigate your way through an insurance claim. Typically there are a number of insurance policies in play after a motorcycle accident such as, personal liability insurance, health insurance, underinsured motorist insurance and uninsured motorist insurance. An experienced Kentucky motorcycle attorney from Hessig & Pohl stands ready to help you seek just and fair compensation for your injuries.

Hessig & Pohl understands the loss the pain and confusion that occurs after any accident. You may be facing a serious, permanent impairment, or have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident. Hessig & Pohl works with a team of professionals to protect your rights and achieve a fair and equitable settlement. Call us today for your free consultation at (502) 777-1111.

by HP Migration | Nov 27, 2019 | 



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