Motorcyclists Most Vulnerable in Accidents

Have you been injured? Call or text Hessig & Pohl at 502-777-1111

Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries or even death to the motorcyclist or their passenger. As a law firm that deals with motorcycle accidents, Hessig & Pohl understands the loss and grief for the family of the rider and/or passenger.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,286 bikers perished in accidents, in 2016. Among those killed, 94 percent were riders, and 6 percent were passengers. In 54 percent of the fatal motorcycle crashes, there was at least one motor vehicle involved. In 41 percent of deadly collisions, the other vehicle was turning left into the path of the biker.

Consider the case of a young biker who lost his life when a drunk driver turned in front of the motorcycle. The rider had nowhere to go, and he died at the scene of the accident. The driver had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of almost five times the legal limit. The motorcyclist left behind a newborn and a family in shock at his sudden, devastating loss.

Motorcyclists are incredibly vulnerable. Bikers lack the protections a vehicle provides. Lack of extra protection for motorcyclists leads to more severe injuries, damage and risk of death. Other factors, like driver behavior, also place motorcyclists at risk.

Motorists who do not check their blind spots, drive recklessly, make unsafe lane changes and follow too closely place motorcyclists at extreme risk. Drunk drivers are another dangerous threat to bikers. About 29 percent of all fatal vehicle accidents in the nation are the result of someone drinking and driving. Approximately 61 percent of drivers involved in accidents had a BAC of 0.08 or higher.

Contact an attorney

At Hessig & Pohl, we understand that the aftermath of a motorcycle accident is emotionally and physically taxing. At Hessig & Pohl, we represent injured bikers and families experiencing the loss of a loved one. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries, damages, lost wages and medical bills. If you lost a loved one, you could be able to file a claim for medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of companionship, and loss of income. We work with a team of professionals to develop the best strategy to protect your rights and achieve a fair settlement. Call us today for your free consultation at (502) 777-1111.

by HP Migration | Feb 28, 2020 | 



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