How long do I have to file a claim after a car accident?

How long do I have to file a claim after a car accident?

Each state has its own specific timeline, called the statute of limitations, in which a victim of an accident needs to either file a lawsuit or settle a claim. In Kentucky, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years. This is a very short period within which to file a claim. Make certain you do so as soon as possible or you will lose the right to file.

For property damage claims, the statute of limitations in Kentucky is two years. This gives you more time to file a lawsuit. The best thing to do is to start the claim process as early as possible, as it usually takes about a year to settle.

If you are unable to settle a claim within the period as laid out by the statute of limitations in Kentucky, whether it is a personal injury claim or a property damage claim, you lose the right to pursue your claim for medical expenses and other related costs.

If you did not file a claim quickly and have discovered the statute of limitations is close to expiring with no settlement in sight, contact a personal injury attorney to get a lawsuit filed. The statute no longer applies once a lawsuit has been filed.

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